I made some attempts out of curiosity, but never got any satisfactory results. I never had much luck with Registax, but AutoStakkert worked great for me (always used the newest beta).Īs for stacking of images from short focal lengths, I'm afraid it's not worth it. So isn't there even a simple software where you can drop the files, command the stacking to high resolution and get a TIFF as output?
And then RegiStax just crashes after starting to process. The first one is only for stars and can't handle planets. Stacking should dramatically increase the resolution, but I have found now just couple ones that should do the stacking like DeepSkyStacker and RegiStax 6. Here is a single frame from 75-300mm 300mm f/6.7, ISO 200 and 1/250 and edited with phone for 5.5" screen size taste: You end up just having a bunch of frames that would become smudge. What software is best to do planetary stacking?Īs the typical stacking is easy to do for a non-movable targets, but as moon moves fast pace even at few second period, thermal layering twist the moon slightly etc.
I were yesterday testing 75-300mm mk2 for moon shooting as it was near full moon, that is tomorrow, and today hit the snow front that by forecast lasts 4-5 days so no shooting moon today (best day is night before full moon to get the fullest possible).īut realized that I don't have means to do stacking for the series of moon shots (11 FPS for 40-50 bursts) so I needed to only edit a single frame.